Too Late For America

From This:
To This:

In a

The appropriate sense of shame that normal people feel for doing wrong has been cast away by many post 9/11 evildoers. You ask how anyone's lust could be so out of control as to go after innocent children? It is because they refused God and His truth too many times. Romans 1:18-32 and II Thess 2:10-12
John McArthur explains further.
(For a brief summary, start at minute 43.)
The accomplices of these lust-filled people are the cowards in positions of authority who fear to oppose them.
Where is the Justice?

Pedophiles steal, abuse, then murder many thousands of our innocent children each year. After Jeffrey Epstein's arrest and subsequent "suicide", there was shock and outrage. Now, presumably, to placate the public, Epstein partner Ghislaine Maxwell is in prison. But no other participants or conspirators face any consequences for their horrendous crimes.
DRAGGING our innocent children to Hell...IN CHURCHES!!!

"It will be terrible for people who cause even one of my little followers to sin. These people would be better off thrown into the deepest part of the ocean with a heavy stone tied around their necks!" Matt18:6 CEV
Young people, we all want a life of happiness and fulfillment. Our lives should have meaning, and we want to fulfill our God-given destiny. So here is something to consider in today's world: have you been approached by homosexual acquaintances, or been tempted to explore that sin? Human beings who are unaware of what God has to say tell you that it’s OK, that it’s normal, and that everyone accepts it but the narrow-minded. You have a court appointment with your Judge. The verdict and sentence is final. So, what does YOUR JUDGE say?
“That evening two angels came to the entrance of the city of Sodom. Lot was sitting there, and when he saw them he stood up to meet them. Then he welcomed them…so at last they went home with him…but before they retired for the night, all the men of Sodom, young and old, came from all over the city and surrounded the house. They shouted to Lot, where are the men who came to spend the night with you? Bring them out to us so we can have sex with them!"
But the angels blinded the men and brought Lot and his family outside the city. They told Lot’s family to escape, because they were going to destroy the city. Once Lot’s family was safe, the Lord rained super-hot fire and burning sulphur from heaven upon Sodom and the nearby sexually perverted cities! All this is in Genesis 19.
Later in the New Testament, Jude v.7 says, “Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.” Peter says in 2Peter 2:6-7 “God punished the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah by burning them to ashes, and this is a warning to anyone else who wants to sin.”
See that? The extreme punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah was a warning to everyone else in future generations! How can any person with a brain deny what God’s message is here? "Well, I don't believe that Bible story is true." "But God shows his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who suppress the truth...They know the truth about God, because He has made it obvious to them. For ever since the world was created people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse..." Romans 1:18-20.
“Oh well, we’re different—God wouldn’t do that to us! So we're going to indulge in it anyway.” How suicidal can you be? Rebelling against God? Please stand about 100 miles away from me! All the same lies to excuse their perversion were told back then—“We were born this way!” “God made a mistake!” “This lifestyle understands me better.” All excuses so that you can justify changing your "identity" and behavior from what God created to an unnatural form and not feel so terribly guilty about it.
Later, God told the Hebrew people that this sin is an “abomination” meaning the absolute worst kind of sin. It’s put in the same category as having sex with animals. And he said that the land itself vomits the people out who do things like this. So God is saying that this kind of behavior is literally nauseating. Leviticus 18:22-25. You may say, “Well, I can stop anytime I want to.” Wrong. After a time of God calling you, reaching out to you, the Bible says He will give up on you, and your conscience will no longer function. That’s in the last half of Romans chapter one. And II Thessalonians 2:10-12 says He will cause you to believe the lie you’ve embraced so you will be eternally lost.
Did you know that God has a destiny for you to fulfill? You may not realize that God has planned your life to accomplish something very special--or maybe many very special somethings! We are told in the better translations of Psalm 139 that God "ordained", meaning "laid out plans" for our days. We are meant to pursue our individual destinies by cooperating with God. If we continually derail our lives by cooperating with Satan, we will die never experiencing the great things God had laid out for us! (Plus, we go eternally to the master we cooperated with!)
So, PRAY to Jesus to save you! Tell Him you have sinned, but ask Him to clean you up. Then commit your life to Him! Read His Word! He will give you the power to RUN from every sexual temptation and perversion! ENJOY the refreshing fulfillment of the sexual experience in the only true form of marriage—that between a man and a woman. God blesses only THAT sexual union and wants you to remember that He created it for you.
Becket Cook was a much sought - after Hollywood set designer. The gay lifestyle left him feeling empty, but Jesus showed him true fulfillment. Check out his videos!

Do Police Fear LGBT More Than God?

Police officers are not cowards. They are brave men and women who routinely put themselves in harm’s way to protect citizens. We trust that law enforcement officers are given the training needed to successfully engage that which is unlawful, that which is criminal. They face bullets and blades from crazed criminals. Some officers are wounded in this battle against crime, some die. Yet they all go to face the threat on our behalf. So this means they already have something which training cannot give them—a willingness to go. A willingness based upon what they learned at a young age from parents, church, school, society—that there is right and there is wrong. Society applauds this courageous willingness to go and do battle for us.
Yet beyond merely knowing right from wrong, there is a greater virtue that society asks of its law enforcement officers, its prosecuting attorneys, its judges. It is the understanding that good must triumph over evil in a given situation. It is from this virtue that true justice proceeds. But not all of a society’s youth, including those who will become its enforcers, are afforded the same level of familiarity with this virtue. That is why those with discernment in enforcing good over evil must share this common wisdom with their peers.
The Watertown, Wisconsin pastor assessed the recent arrest incident there correctly. The young man reading the scripture was not in close proximity to the child sexualizers, therefore he was no physical threat to them. So, rather than calling a remote city hall, the on-scene officers should have been allowed to use their own discernment to enforce good over evil by simply observing. Their presence should have been the noble, traditional protection of the young man's constitutional right. He was doing right and good.
The child sexualizers on the other hand, were gallivanting in a provocative manner and alluring innocent children. They were doing wrong and evil; the kind of evil that gets into a little child’s psyche and never goes away, causing them serious problems later in life, and probably costing them their souls. This is why Jesus said rather than someone polluting a little child, it would be better that a millstone were tied onto their neck and they be cast into the deepest part of the sea. Their judgment day will be terrifying.
Those of you from an active Judeo-Christian background, you enforcers who therefore claim to know what good is, do you realize what else you are required to do? You are required to HATE evil. "Ye who love the Lord, HATE evil." (Psalm 97:10) It does NOT say, "Ye that love the Lord, "TOLERATE evil" or "NERVOUSLY LOOK THE OTHER WAY while evil destroys innocent children" and it most certainly does NOT mean "ASSIST evil by arresting those who have the courage to stand for GOOD." It says HATE evil, meaning stand firm, do not be fearful to do your job, which is to protect GOOD people FROM evil.
There is a third consideration, an anti-virtue called the Fear of Man. God says this is a deadly sin that can lead to our damnation at the great judgment. Revelation 20:8 says the “fearful” will inherit the lake of fire. The ScripturesUK website says, “These are not non-Christians as might at first be supposed, but are members of the church who, displaying cowardice in the time of testing, have turned and run away, or have simply given up the fight and surrendered to the enemy.”
Are police fearful to arrest these evil men?
Authorities everywhere, we are commanded to pray for you, and we are doing that! So fear God, do not endanger your own soul by being fearful of evil men. Refuse to carry out orders that make a mockery of God and His commands. Remember the German officers who were executed at Nuremberg for ordering Jews into the death camp ovens? On trial for their lives, they protested, “We were just following orders!” But as the noose tightened around their necks, they finally realized that their greater duty was to God and to GOOD men…and so is yours.