It is well documented that many who have died have later been resuscitated/resurrected. They have seen either heaven or hell or both. As wondrous as heaven is, so hell is the extreme opposite. The almost unanimous reports are:
Horrible nauseating stink of rotting meat and sulfur.
Humans engulfed in fire.
Demons, huge spiders, rats, as well as snakes, and other reptiles.
Extreme fear, loneliness, and regret.
The most loving thing you can say then, to an adulterer, homosexual, murderer, rapist, liar, lukewarm church member, etc. is, “Please! Stop your behavior! Call out to Jesus to save you and clean you up. This behavior will send you to hell! But Jesus will save you from that horrible doom if you will go after Him and learn to love Him. He will make you righteous and reserve you for Heaven."
The true “Hate Speech,” is silence. Or the following statement, “If that is your choice, I understand because I believe in tolerance.”

LOVE SPEECH, spoken to a person who is a compromising Christian is, “Are you really sure you have a Love relationship with Jesus? You are in church, but your speech and the way you relate to others doesn’t reflect love, compassion, generosity, and truth. In other words, you say Christ is in your life, but is Jesus your closest friend? Are you obeying His word and promptings for your life? Are you giving Him food and water? Visiting Him when He is sick or in jail? Are you reaching out to Jesus to help Him?

You may ask, “When have I ever had opportunity to do any of these things for
Jesus?” Easy. He is in:
Street corners
Nursing homes
Sometimes, at your own front door.
If you have reached out to anyone in these situations, you have done so for Jesus.

"...and they that turn others to righteousness shall shine as the stars forever and ever" (Daniel 12:3b)